2013年に活動開始。2014年4月にデビューe.p.『CLIMAX NIGHT e.p.』をリリースし7月の『FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL』《Rookie A GoGo》に出演。
9月には1st Album『PARAISO』をリリースし、年間ベストディスクとして各メディアで多く取り上げられる。
これまでに国内の多くのフェス、上海、北京や台北、ソウル、バンコク、香港などアジア各地でのツアーの成功など、海外での活動も広がる中、2019年3月に「BLUEHARLEM」をリリースし、国内14公演と中国7都市を含むアジア全10都市に及ぶ「TOUR BLUEHARLEM 2019」を開催。
2021年、4年ぶりとなるFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’21や、各地野外フェスへ出演。
そして約2年半ぶりとなるニューアルバム「WINDORGAN」を10月13日にリリースし、全14都市を巡る全国ツアー“WINDORGAN TOUR” を開催。
Yogee New Waves is a Japanese rock band formed in 2013.
Debut EP CLIMAX NIGHT was released nationwide in April 2014.
Later that year, the band performed at the highflying『FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL』《Rookie A GoGo》Stage followed by the release of their first album PARAISO which was nominated as the Best Disk of the Year by the Media.
Not only successful nationwide activities, but Yogee New Waves is also active overseas and held tours successfully in Asian cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul, Bangkok, and Hong Kong.
In March 2019, Yogee New Waves released their 3rd album BLUEHARLEM, and held a one-man tour called TOUR BLUEHARLEM 2019 in 14 cities in Japan.
Furthermore, with the album, they also headlined tours in China and other Asian cities.
In 2021, they appeared at domestic festivals in Japan, such as FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’21, and finally, they dropped their long-awaited new album WINDORGAN on the 13th of October and the WINDORGAN TOUR was held in 14 cities in Japan.
In March 2022, the first one-man live concert at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall ended in success.